Frequently asked questions.

What happens if it rains during my scheduled time?

You will be allowed to reschedule one time at no charge, for outdoor props only- please contact us before you reschedule your clients- we do not issue refunds.

Do we allow pets?

Yes we do, we are a small farm and there are other animals here as well as other customers. We ask that you please clean up after your pet and it will need to be kept on a leash at all times and is not allowed in the indoor studios.

Are restrooms available?

We do have an on-site restroom available for customers.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Our preferred form of payment is through PayPal, there is a link on our website. If you should need a different accommodation please reach out to us we can work with you.

How do I make a reservation?

Your hourly rental fee is due at the time of making your reservation.

What happens if I need to change my reservation?

You would need to rebook a time, we do not offer refunds.

How many people can you accommodate in one photo shoot?

During every season we do always have more than one option for a large group, usually it is outdoors.

Do I have to be a photographer to make a reservation?

Everyone is welcome to make a reservation and come and take pictures, whether you are a mom, hobbyist, and or professional photographer.